
Introducing Updo.

How to introduce Updo to a project using Cabal as an example.

An earlier post announced Updo. From the Updo Examples, let’s walk through the Cabal example to see how to introduce Updo.

A few of benefits of Updo for haskell/cabal are:

  • Package Groups

    Packages go into publish-to-hackage, test and benchmark groups. Helpful to keep a project like this, with a lot of local packages, organized.

  • Dual Projects

    Contributors get to pick Cabal or Stack as their build tool.

  • Validated Dependencies

    With only a few exceptions listed explicitly as constraints, we get all dependencies from stackage, a set of packages that build together.

Projects, Before and After

There are many projects in the haskell/cabal repository:

$ tree -P 'cabal.project*|stack.yaml*' -L 1 --prune
├── cabal.project
├── cabal.project.buildinfo
├── cabal.project.coverage
├── cabal.project.doctest
├── cabal.project.libonly
├── cabal.project.meta
├── cabal.project.release
├── cabal.project.validate
├── cabal.project.validate.libonly
├── cabal.project.weeder
└── stack.yaml

0 directories, 11 files

Before conversion, the Stack project doesn’t build1 but Updo conversion will fix that by keeping both default projects in sync with an upstream configuration.


A different approach is mirroring, where one project is maintained and then this (or a build product) is parsed and mirrored to the other project type. There are two tools that do this:

  • stack2cabal

    This tool converts stack.yaml to cabal.project.

  • cabal2stack

    This tool converts plan.json to stack.yaml.

    A plan.json can be created with cabal build --dry-run so be careful to include everything you need with this build. Enabling or disabling tests and benchmarks makes quite a difference in the generated stack.yaml.

    > - "Diff-0.5"
    > - "Glob-0.10.2"
    > - "Only-0.1"
    > - "base-compat-batteries-0.13.1"
    > - "binary-orphans-"
    > - "call-stack-0.4.0"
    > - "cassava-"
    > - "code-page-0.2.1"
    > - "criterion-"
    > - "criterion-measurement-"
    > - "happy-"
    > - "haskell-lexer-1.1.1"
    > - "js-chart-"
    > - "microstache-"
    > - "nothunks-0.1.5"
    > - "pretty-show-1.10"
    < - "tasty-1.5"
    < - "tasty-quickcheck-0.10.3"
    > - "tasty-1.4.3"
    > - "tasty-expected-failure-0.12.3"
    > - "tasty-golden-2.3.5"
    > - "tasty-hunit-0.10.1"
    > - "tasty-quickcheck-0.10.2"
    > - "typed-process-"
    > - "unbounded-delays-"
    >   cassava:
    >     "bytestring--lt-0_10_4": false
    >   criterion:
    >     "embed-data-files": false
    >     fast: false
    >   "criterion-measurement":
    >     fast: false
    >   nothunks:
    >     bytestring: true
    >     text: true
    >     vector: true
    >   "tasty-golden":
    >     "build-example": fa

After conversion we can build Cabal with Cabal itself as before but now we can also build it with Stack!

$ cabal clean
$ cabal build all --enable-tests --enable-benchmarks
Resolving dependencies...
Build profile: -w ghc-9.4.7 -O1
$ cabal build all --enable-tests --enable-benchmarks
Up to date

$ stack purge
$ stack build --test --no-run-tests --bench --no-run-benchmarks
Completed 17 action(s).

Conversion Steps

The steps of converting a project to Updo, using conversion of Cabal for example, are:

  1. Ignores

    Ignore the working (.updo) and bootstrap (updo) folders in .gitignore:

  2. Versions

    Put stackage resolver and GHC version into project-versions.mk2, not bothering with separate upgrade versions for now. The process for adding an upgrade version is the same as for adding an initial current version.

    GHC_VERSION ?= 9.4.7
    STACKAGE_VERSION ?= lts-21.19
    GHC_UPGRADE ?= 9.4.7
    STACKAGE_UPGRADE ?= lts-21.19
  3. Stackage Config

    Download a cabal.config file from stackage matching the resolver version and save it to project-stackage/${STACKAGE-VERSION}.config. This likely won’t work as-is. No worries, we’ll comment out version constraints that clash later.

    $ mkdir -p project-stackage
    $ curl -sSL https://www.stackage.org/lts-21.19/cabal.config \
        > project-stackage/lts-21.19.config
  4. Group Packages

    Add configuration under project-dhall/ghc-${GHC-VERSION}. We’ll break the packages up into groups and as we’re not yet upgrading we’ll use an empty list for upgrades yet to do.

    -- project-dhall/pkg-groups.dhall
    [ "benchmarks", "hackage", "tests" ]
    -- project-dhall/pkgs/benchmarks.dhall
    [ "cabal-benchmarks", "solver-benchmarks" ]
    -- project-dhall/pkgs/hackage.dhall
    [ "Cabal", "Cabal-syntax", "cabal-install", "cabal-install-solver" ]
    -- project-dhall/pkgs/tests.dhall
    [ "Cabal-QuickCheck"
    , "Cabal-described"
    , "Cabal-tests"
    , "Cabal-tree-diff"
    , "cabal-testsuite"
    -- project-dhall/pkgs-upgrade-todo.dhall
    [] : List Text
  5. Source Repositories

    Cabal doesn’t use any source repository packages so we can leave all of these empty3.

    -- project-dhall/ghc-9.4.7/deps-external.dhall
    -- project-dhall/ghc-9.4.7/deps-internal.dhall
    -- project-dhall/ghc-9.4.7/forks-external.dhall
    -- project-dhall/ghc-9.4.7/forks-internal.dhall
    [] : List { loc : Text, tag : Text, sub : List Text }
  6. Text Templates

    Add text templates for the ways we want to generate projects. Pasted verbatim, the following dhall2config4 template for Cabal and dhall2stack template for Stack put the snippet content before the default template content.

    -- project-dhall/ghc-9.4.7/text-templates/dhall2config.dhall
    \(stackage-resolver : Text) ->
    \(ghc-version : Text) ->
      let project-dhall2config = ../../../updo/text-templates/dhall2config.dhall
      in  ''
          ${project-dhall2config stackage-resolver ghc-version}
    -- project-dhall/ghc-9.4.7/text-templates/dhall2stack.dhall
    let TYPES = ./../../../updo/types.dhall
    let null = https://prelude.dhall-lang.org/List/null
    in  \(pkgs-done : List Text) ->
        \(stackage-resolver : Text) ->
          let pkgs-todo = ../../pkgs-upgrade-todo.dhall
          let pkg-config =
                { constraints = ./../constraints.dhall
                , source-pkgs =
                  { deps-external = ./../deps-external.dhall
                  , deps-internal = ./../deps-internal.dhall
                  , forks-external = ./../forks-external.dhall
                  , forks-internal = ./../forks-internal.dhall
          in  ''
              ${./stack-snippet.dhall (None Text)}
                  ( if    null Text pkgs-todo
                    then  TYPES.PkgSet.AllPkgs pkgs-done
                    else  TYPES.PkgSet.PkgUpgrade
                            { todo = pkgs-todo, done = pkgs-done }


    The dhall2stack template is more complicated than the dhall2config template because everything generated goes into one ghc-x.y.z.dhall2stack.yaml file so it has to handle upgrades whereas the root ghc-x.y.z-dhall2config.project imports generated project-config/pkgs/*.config package groups indirectly through project-config/pkgs.config.

    In project-config/pkgs/*.config files, partitioning of packages into those included in the upgrade project and those yet to do is done by the installed updo-pkg-groups executable or the ./updo/project-dhall2config/pkg-groups.hs script invoked by a make recipe and not by the dhall2config template.

  7. Snippets

    Snippets are used to add extra configuration to the generated projects, configuration unknown to Updo. Compare generated projects with those same files before the conversion to see what’s missing.

    -- project-dhall/ghc-9.4.7/text-templates/cabal-snippet.dhall
    tests: True
    optional-packages: ./vendored/*/*.cabal
    constraints: rere -rere-cfg
      ghc-options: -fno-ignore-asserts
    -- project-dhall/ghc-9.4.7/text-templates/stack-snippet.dhall
    \(stackage-resolver : Optional Text) ->
      let resolver =
              { None = ""
              , Some =
                  \(r : Text) ->
                    resolver: ${r}''
      in  ''
          user-message: "WARNING: This stack project is generated."
          allow-newer: true
              rere-cfg: false
            "$locals": -fhide-source-paths


    We need allow-newer: true because cabal-testsuite has a custom setup depending on 3.10.* of Cabal and Cabal-syntax while the rest of the package depends on 3.11.*.

  8. Bootstrap

    Add the entry and bootstrapping Updo makefile, project-files.mk:

    # project-files.mk
    # To use installed executables instead of *.hs scripts, set these to true.
    PKG_GROUPS_HS_EXE ?= false
    PKGS_SORTED_HS_EXE ?= false
    include project-versions.mk
    include updo/Makefile
    project-nix/ghc-%/sha256map.nix: ghc-%.sha256map.nix
    	mkdir -p $(@D) && cp $^ $@
    .PHONY: all
    all: \
      projects \
      project-nix/ghc-$(GHC_VERSION)/sha256map.nix \
    # To make stack.yaml or cabal.project and no other, mark the file we copy from
    # as intermediate. This is all we want when not doing a GHC upgrade.
    # Comment out these .INTERMEDIATE targets to allow these files to be kept.
    .DEFAULT_GOAL := all
    UPDO_VERSION ?= 1.0.0
    HACKAGE := http://hackage.haskell.org/package
    UPDO_URL := ${HACKAGE}/updo-${UPDO_VERSION}/updo-${UPDO_VERSION}.tar.gz
    	rm -rf updo
    	curl -sSL ${UPDO_URL} | tar -xz
    	mv updo-${UPDO_VERSION} updo
    	chmod +x $$(grep -RIl '^#!' updo)
  9. Constrain Versions

    Try to generate projects with make. If this fails, Stack will complain the loudest.

    $ make -f project-files.mk
      * directory must match >=1.2 && <1.4, but this GHC boot package has been
        pruned from the Stack configuration.  You need to add the package
        explicitly to extra-deps. (latest matching version is
      * process must match >= && <1.7, but this GHC boot package has
        been pruned from the Stack configuration. You need to add the package
        explicitly to extra-deps. (latest matching version is
      * directory must match >=1.2 && <1.4, but this GHC boot package has
        been pruned from the Stack configuration. You need to add the package
        explicitly to extra-deps. (latest matching version is
      * process must match >= && <1.7, but this GHC boot package has
        been pruned from the Stack configuration. You need to add the package
        explicitly to extra-deps. (latest matching version is

    Use the suggestions from Stack to add version equality constraints:

    -- project-dhall/ghc-9.4.7/constraints.dhall
    [ { dep = "directory", ver = "" }
    , { dep = "filepath", ver = "" }
    , { dep = "process", ver = "" }
    , { dep = "rere", ver = "0.2" }
    , { dep = "semaphore-compat", ver = "1.0.0@rev:1" }
    , { dep = "unix", ver = "" }


    All the recommendations from Stack match cabal freeze versions before the conversion, except for process- and unix-

  10. Fixup Unsatisfiable Version Constraints

    Where there are unsatisfiable version constraints with the Cabal solver, comment out the relevant line from the stackage-sourced cabal.config that we saved locally:

    -- project-stackage/lts-21.19.config
    -- NOTE: Due to revisions, this file may not work. See:
    -- https://github.com/fpco/stackage-server/issues/232
    -- Stackage snapshot from: http://www.stackage.org/snapshot/lts-21.19
    -- Please place this file next to your .cabal file as cabal.config
    -- To only use tested packages, uncomment the following line:
    -- remote-repo: stackage-lts-21.19:http://www.stackage.org/lts-21.19
    with-compiler: ghc-9.4.7
        -- Cabal installed,
        -- cabal-install ==,
        -- cabal-install-solver ==,
        -- Cabal-syntax installed,
        -- directory installed,
        -- filepath installed,
        -- process installed,
        -- unix installed,

  1. The Stack project fails to construct a build plan.

    $ stack build --test --no-run-tests --bench --no-run-benchmarks
    Warning: Ignoring cabal-install's bounds on
             directory (>= && <1.4) and using directory-
             Reason: allow-newer enabled.
    Warning: Ignoring hackage-security's bounds on
             Cabal (>=1.14 && <1.26 || >=2.0 && <2.6 || >=3.0 && <3.7) and
             using Cabal-
             Reason: allow-newer enabled.
    Warning: Ignoring hackage-security's bounds on
             Cabal-syntax (<3.7) and using Cabal-syntax-
             Reason: allow-newer enabled.
    Warning: Ignoring cabal-install's bounds on
             process (>= && <1.7) and using process-
             Reason: allow-newer enabled.
    Warning: Ignoring cabal-testsuite's bounds on
             Cabal (((>=3.10 && <3.11) && >= && <3.12) && >=3.10 && <3.11) and
             using Cabal-
             Reason: allow-newer enabled.
    Warning: Ignoring cabal-testsuite's bounds on
             Cabal-syntax (((>=3.10 && <3.11) && >= && <3.12) && >=3.10 && <3.11) and
             using Cabal-syntax-
             Reason: allow-newer enabled.
    Warning: Ignoring cabal-testsuite's bounds on
             retry (^>= and using retry-
             Reason: allow-newer enabled.
    Error: [S-4804]
        Stack failed to construct a build plan.
        While constructing the build plan, Stack encountered the following errors. The
        'Stack configuration' refers to the set of package versions specified by the
        snapshot (after any dropped packages, or pruned GHC boot packages; if a boot
        package is replaced, Stack prunes all other such packages that depend on it) and
        any extra-deps:
        In the dependencies for cabal-install-
            * semaphore-compat must match >=1.0.0 && <1.1,
              but no version is in the Stack configuration (latest matching version is 1.0.0).
        needed since cabal-install is a build target.
        In the dependencies for cabal-testsuite-3:
            * network-wait must match ^>= || ^>=,
              but no version is in the Stack configuration (latest matching version is
        needed since cabal-testsuite is a build target.
        In the dependencies for Cabal-tests-3:
            * nothunks must match >= && <0.2,
              but no version is in the Stack configuration (latest matching version is 0.1.5).
        needed since Cabal-tests is a build target.
        Some different approaches to resolving some or all of this:
            * Recommended action: try adding the following to your extra-deps
              in /.../cabal/stack.yaml (project-level configuration):
            - network-wait-
            - nothunks-0.1.5@sha256:ebe6c8...
            - semaphore-compat-1.0.0@sha256:8ed624...
  2. The project-versions.mk filename is a convention we’ve used so far but you can use any name for this file.↩︎

  3. updo-1.0.0 doesn’t use a default empty list when a configuration file is missing but that feature is in the works, implemented but not yet published.↩︎

  4. dhall2caball is not shown here as it’s very similar to dhall2stack.

    -- ${./stack-snippet.dhall (None Text)}
    ++ ${./cabal-snippet.dhall}
    -- ${../../../updo/text-templates/dhall2stack.dhall
    ++ ${../../../updo/text-templates/dhall2cabal.dhall


Introducing Updo.

How to introduce Updo to a project using Cabal as an example.

An earlier post announced Updo. From the Updo Examples, let’s walk through the Cabal example to see how to introduce Updo.

A few of benefits of Updo for haskell/cabal are:

  • Package Groups

    Packages go into publish-to-hackage, test and benchmark groups. Helpful to keep a project like this, with a lot of local packages, organized.

  • Dual Projects

    Contributors get to pick Cabal or Stack as their build tool.

  • Validated Dependencies

    With only a few exceptions listed explicitly as constraints, we get all dependencies from stackage, a set of packages that build together.

Projects, Before and After

There are many projects in the haskell/cabal repository:

$ tree -P 'cabal.project*|stack.yaml*' -L 1 --prune
├── cabal.project
├── cabal.project.buildinfo
├── cabal.project.coverage
├── cabal.project.doctest
├── cabal.project.libonly
├── cabal.project.meta
├── cabal.project.release
├── cabal.project.validate
├── cabal.project.validate.libonly
├── cabal.project.weeder
└── stack.yaml

0 directories, 11 files

Before conversion, the Stack project doesn’t build1 but Updo conversion will fix that by keeping both default projects in sync with an upstream configuration.


A different approach is mirroring, where one project is maintained and then this (or a build product) is parsed and mirrored to the other project type. There are two tools that do this:

  • stack2cabal

    This tool converts stack.yaml to cabal.project.

  • cabal2stack

    This tool converts plan.json to stack.yaml.

    A plan.json can be created with cabal build --dry-run so be careful to include everything you need with this build. Enabling or disabling tests and benchmarks makes quite a difference in the generated stack.yaml.

    > - "Diff-0.5"
    > - "Glob-0.10.2"
    > - "Only-0.1"
    > - "base-compat-batteries-0.13.1"
    > - "binary-orphans-"
    > - "call-stack-0.4.0"
    > - "cassava-"
    > - "code-page-0.2.1"
    > - "criterion-"
    > - "criterion-measurement-"
    > - "happy-"
    > - "haskell-lexer-1.1.1"
    > - "js-chart-"
    > - "microstache-"
    > - "nothunks-0.1.5"
    > - "pretty-show-1.10"
    < - "tasty-1.5"
    < - "tasty-quickcheck-0.10.3"
    > - "tasty-1.4.3"
    > - "tasty-expected-failure-0.12.3"
    > - "tasty-golden-2.3.5"
    > - "tasty-hunit-0.10.1"
    > - "tasty-quickcheck-0.10.2"
    > - "typed-process-"
    > - "unbounded-delays-"
    >   cassava:
    >     "bytestring--lt-0_10_4": false
    >   criterion:
    >     "embed-data-files": false
    >     fast: false
    >   "criterion-measurement":
    >     fast: false
    >   nothunks:
    >     bytestring: true
    >     text: true
    >     vector: true
    >   "tasty-golden":
    >     "build-example": fa

After conversion we can build Cabal with Cabal itself as before but now we can also build it with Stack!

$ cabal clean
$ cabal build all --enable-tests --enable-benchmarks
Resolving dependencies...
Build profile: -w ghc-9.4.7 -O1
$ cabal build all --enable-tests --enable-benchmarks
Up to date

$ stack purge
$ stack build --test --no-run-tests --bench --no-run-benchmarks
Completed 17 action(s).

Conversion Steps

The steps of converting a project to Updo, using conversion of Cabal for example, are:

  1. Ignores

    Ignore the working (.updo) and bootstrap (updo) folders in .gitignore:

  2. Versions

    Put stackage resolver and GHC version into project-versions.mk2, not bothering with separate upgrade versions for now. The process for adding an upgrade version is the same as for adding an initial current version.

    GHC_VERSION ?= 9.4.7
    STACKAGE_VERSION ?= lts-21.19
    GHC_UPGRADE ?= 9.4.7
    STACKAGE_UPGRADE ?= lts-21.19
  3. Stackage Config

    Download a cabal.config file from stackage matching the resolver version and save it to project-stackage/${STACKAGE-VERSION}.config. This likely won’t work as-is. No worries, we’ll comment out version constraints that clash later.

    $ mkdir -p project-stackage
    $ curl -sSL https://www.stackage.org/lts-21.19/cabal.config \
        > project-stackage/lts-21.19.config
  4. Group Packages

    Add configuration under project-dhall/ghc-${GHC-VERSION}. We’ll break the packages up into groups and as we’re not yet upgrading we’ll use an empty list for upgrades yet to do.

    -- project-dhall/pkg-groups.dhall
    [ "benchmarks", "hackage", "tests" ]
    -- project-dhall/pkgs/benchmarks.dhall
    [ "cabal-benchmarks", "solver-benchmarks" ]
    -- project-dhall/pkgs/hackage.dhall
    [ "Cabal", "Cabal-syntax", "cabal-install", "cabal-install-solver" ]
    -- project-dhall/pkgs/tests.dhall
    [ "Cabal-QuickCheck"
    , "Cabal-described"
    , "Cabal-tests"
    , "Cabal-tree-diff"
    , "cabal-testsuite"
    -- project-dhall/pkgs-upgrade-todo.dhall
    [] : List Text
  5. Source Repositories

    Cabal doesn’t use any source repository packages so we can leave all of these empty3.

    -- project-dhall/ghc-9.4.7/deps-external.dhall
    -- project-dhall/ghc-9.4.7/deps-internal.dhall
    -- project-dhall/ghc-9.4.7/forks-external.dhall
    -- project-dhall/ghc-9.4.7/forks-internal.dhall
    [] : List { loc : Text, tag : Text, sub : List Text }
  6. Text Templates

    Add text templates for the ways we want to generate projects. Pasted verbatim, the following dhall2config4 template for Cabal and dhall2stack template for Stack put the snippet content before the default template content.

    -- project-dhall/ghc-9.4.7/text-templates/dhall2config.dhall
    \(stackage-resolver : Text) ->
    \(ghc-version : Text) ->
      let project-dhall2config = ../../../updo/text-templates/dhall2config.dhall
      in  ''
          ${project-dhall2config stackage-resolver ghc-version}
    -- project-dhall/ghc-9.4.7/text-templates/dhall2stack.dhall
    let TYPES = ./../../../updo/types.dhall
    let null = https://prelude.dhall-lang.org/List/null
    in  \(pkgs-done : List Text) ->
        \(stackage-resolver : Text) ->
          let pkgs-todo = ../../pkgs-upgrade-todo.dhall
          let pkg-config =
                { constraints = ./../constraints.dhall
                , source-pkgs =
                  { deps-external = ./../deps-external.dhall
                  , deps-internal = ./../deps-internal.dhall
                  , forks-external = ./../forks-external.dhall
                  , forks-internal = ./../forks-internal.dhall
          in  ''
              ${./stack-snippet.dhall (None Text)}
                  ( if    null Text pkgs-todo
                    then  TYPES.PkgSet.AllPkgs pkgs-done
                    else  TYPES.PkgSet.PkgUpgrade
                            { todo = pkgs-todo, done = pkgs-done }


    The dhall2stack template is more complicated than the dhall2config template because everything generated goes into one ghc-x.y.z.dhall2stack.yaml file so it has to handle upgrades whereas the root ghc-x.y.z-dhall2config.project imports generated project-config/pkgs/*.config package groups indirectly through project-config/pkgs.config.

    In project-config/pkgs/*.config files, partitioning of packages into those included in the upgrade project and those yet to do is done by the installed updo-pkg-groups executable or the ./updo/project-dhall2config/pkg-groups.hs script invoked by a make recipe and not by the dhall2config template.

  7. Snippets

    Snippets are used to add extra configuration to the generated projects, configuration unknown to Updo. Compare generated projects with those same files before the conversion to see what’s missing.

    -- project-dhall/ghc-9.4.7/text-templates/cabal-snippet.dhall
    tests: True
    optional-packages: ./vendored/*/*.cabal
    constraints: rere -rere-cfg
      ghc-options: -fno-ignore-asserts
    -- project-dhall/ghc-9.4.7/text-templates/stack-snippet.dhall
    \(stackage-resolver : Optional Text) ->
      let resolver =
              { None = ""
              , Some =
                  \(r : Text) ->
                    resolver: ${r}''
      in  ''
          user-message: "WARNING: This stack project is generated."
          allow-newer: true
              rere-cfg: false
            "$locals": -fhide-source-paths


    We need allow-newer: true because cabal-testsuite has a custom setup depending on 3.10.* of Cabal and Cabal-syntax while the rest of the package depends on 3.11.*.

  8. Bootstrap

    Add the entry and bootstrapping Updo makefile, project-files.mk:

    # project-files.mk
    # To use installed executables instead of *.hs scripts, set these to true.
    PKG_GROUPS_HS_EXE ?= false
    PKGS_SORTED_HS_EXE ?= false
    include project-versions.mk
    include updo/Makefile
    project-nix/ghc-%/sha256map.nix: ghc-%.sha256map.nix
    	mkdir -p $(@D) && cp $^ $@
    .PHONY: all
    all: \
      projects \
      project-nix/ghc-$(GHC_VERSION)/sha256map.nix \
    # To make stack.yaml or cabal.project and no other, mark the file we copy from
    # as intermediate. This is all we want when not doing a GHC upgrade.
    # Comment out these .INTERMEDIATE targets to allow these files to be kept.
    .DEFAULT_GOAL := all
    UPDO_VERSION ?= 1.0.0
    HACKAGE := http://hackage.haskell.org/package
    UPDO_URL := ${HACKAGE}/updo-${UPDO_VERSION}/updo-${UPDO_VERSION}.tar.gz
    	rm -rf updo
    	curl -sSL ${UPDO_URL} | tar -xz
    	mv updo-${UPDO_VERSION} updo
    	chmod +x $$(grep -RIl '^#!' updo)
  9. Constrain Versions

    Try to generate projects with make. If this fails, Stack will complain the loudest.

    $ make -f project-files.mk
      * directory must match >=1.2 && <1.4, but this GHC boot package has been
        pruned from the Stack configuration.  You need to add the package
        explicitly to extra-deps. (latest matching version is
      * process must match >= && <1.7, but this GHC boot package has
        been pruned from the Stack configuration. You need to add the package
        explicitly to extra-deps. (latest matching version is
      * directory must match >=1.2 && <1.4, but this GHC boot package has
        been pruned from the Stack configuration. You need to add the package
        explicitly to extra-deps. (latest matching version is
      * process must match >= && <1.7, but this GHC boot package has
        been pruned from the Stack configuration. You need to add the package
        explicitly to extra-deps. (latest matching version is

    Use the suggestions from Stack to add version equality constraints:

    -- project-dhall/ghc-9.4.7/constraints.dhall
    [ { dep = "directory", ver = "" }
    , { dep = "filepath", ver = "" }
    , { dep = "process", ver = "" }
    , { dep = "rere", ver = "0.2" }
    , { dep = "semaphore-compat", ver = "1.0.0@rev:1" }
    , { dep = "unix", ver = "" }


    All the recommendations from Stack match cabal freeze versions before the conversion, except for process- and unix-

  10. Fixup Unsatisfiable Version Constraints

    Where there are unsatisfiable version constraints with the Cabal solver, comment out the relevant line from the stackage-sourced cabal.config that we saved locally:

    -- project-stackage/lts-21.19.config
    -- NOTE: Due to revisions, this file may not work. See:
    -- https://github.com/fpco/stackage-server/issues/232
    -- Stackage snapshot from: http://www.stackage.org/snapshot/lts-21.19
    -- Please place this file next to your .cabal file as cabal.config
    -- To only use tested packages, uncomment the following line:
    -- remote-repo: stackage-lts-21.19:http://www.stackage.org/lts-21.19
    with-compiler: ghc-9.4.7
        -- Cabal installed,
        -- cabal-install ==,
        -- cabal-install-solver ==,
        -- Cabal-syntax installed,
        -- directory installed,
        -- filepath installed,
        -- process installed,
        -- unix installed,

  1. The Stack project fails to construct a build plan.

    $ stack build --test --no-run-tests --bench --no-run-benchmarks
    Warning: Ignoring cabal-install's bounds on
             directory (>= && <1.4) and using directory-
             Reason: allow-newer enabled.
    Warning: Ignoring hackage-security's bounds on
             Cabal (>=1.14 && <1.26 || >=2.0 && <2.6 || >=3.0 && <3.7) and
             using Cabal-
             Reason: allow-newer enabled.
    Warning: Ignoring hackage-security's bounds on
             Cabal-syntax (<3.7) and using Cabal-syntax-
             Reason: allow-newer enabled.
    Warning: Ignoring cabal-install's bounds on
             process (>= && <1.7) and using process-
             Reason: allow-newer enabled.
    Warning: Ignoring cabal-testsuite's bounds on
             Cabal (((>=3.10 && <3.11) && >= && <3.12) && >=3.10 && <3.11) and
             using Cabal-
             Reason: allow-newer enabled.
    Warning: Ignoring cabal-testsuite's bounds on
             Cabal-syntax (((>=3.10 && <3.11) && >= && <3.12) && >=3.10 && <3.11) and
             using Cabal-syntax-
             Reason: allow-newer enabled.
    Warning: Ignoring cabal-testsuite's bounds on
             retry (^>= and using retry-
             Reason: allow-newer enabled.
    Error: [S-4804]
        Stack failed to construct a build plan.
        While constructing the build plan, Stack encountered the following errors. The
        'Stack configuration' refers to the set of package versions specified by the
        snapshot (after any dropped packages, or pruned GHC boot packages; if a boot
        package is replaced, Stack prunes all other such packages that depend on it) and
        any extra-deps:
        In the dependencies for cabal-install-
            * semaphore-compat must match >=1.0.0 && <1.1,
              but no version is in the Stack configuration (latest matching version is 1.0.0).
        needed since cabal-install is a build target.
        In the dependencies for cabal-testsuite-3:
            * network-wait must match ^>= || ^>=,
              but no version is in the Stack configuration (latest matching version is
        needed since cabal-testsuite is a build target.
        In the dependencies for Cabal-tests-3:
            * nothunks must match >= && <0.2,
              but no version is in the Stack configuration (latest matching version is 0.1.5).
        needed since Cabal-tests is a build target.
        Some different approaches to resolving some or all of this:
            * Recommended action: try adding the following to your extra-deps
              in /.../cabal/stack.yaml (project-level configuration):
            - network-wait-
            - nothunks-0.1.5@sha256:ebe6c8...
            - semaphore-compat-1.0.0@sha256:8ed624...
  2. The project-versions.mk filename is a convention we’ve used so far but you can use any name for this file.↩︎

  3. updo-1.0.0 doesn’t use a default empty list when a configuration file is missing but that feature is in the works, implemented but not yet published.↩︎

  4. dhall2caball is not shown here as it’s very similar to dhall2stack.

    -- ${./stack-snippet.dhall (None Text)}
    ++ ${./cabal-snippet.dhall}
    -- ${../../../updo/text-templates/dhall2stack.dhall
    ++ ${../../../updo/text-templates/dhall2cabal.dhall