
Supporting Acts

Contributions to projects that I use or want to succeed.

I donate time to open source and am setup to receive donations (not that anybody has).

I’m pushing for units of measure and functional programming. F# has units built in. I have contributed to adding units to Haskell via type checker plugins.

To try out new and interesting programming languages, I’ve been adding geodetic library packages for F#, Haskell, Unison and Koka, and incidentally uncovering problems with newer compilers.

I’ll take the time to report issues and contribute patches to compilers and tools I use. I’ve reported issues with ghc, unison and koka. I first contributed to GHC when they were using phrabricator. It was quite the process to get started. Much easier now. Here’s my first contribution to GHC:

I’ll use front end frameworks (especially those that change the paradigm or bring more type checking) to redo a portion of nose cone and get a feel for how they work in practice. At the github/nose-cone organisation you’ll find rescript, svelte, feliz and sutil redos of the original reflex-frp single page app user interface. Each has an accompanying demo.


Supporting Acts

Contributions to projects that I use or want to succeed.

I donate time to open source and am setup to receive donations (not that anybody has).

I’m pushing for units of measure and functional programming. F# has units built in. I have contributed to adding units to Haskell via type checker plugins.

To try out new and interesting programming languages, I’ve been adding geodetic library packages for F#, Haskell, Unison and Koka, and incidentally uncovering problems with newer compilers.

I’ll take the time to report issues and contribute patches to compilers and tools I use. I’ve reported issues with ghc, unison and koka. I first contributed to GHC when they were using phrabricator. It was quite the process to get started. Much easier now. Here’s my first contribution to GHC:

I’ll use front end frameworks (especially those that change the paradigm or bring more type checking) to redo a portion of nose cone and get a feel for how they work in practice. At the github/nose-cone organisation you’ll find rescript, svelte, feliz and sutil redos of the original reflex-frp single page app user interface. Each has an accompanying demo.
